速報APP / 財經 / OT Pairs

OT Pairs



檔案大小:8.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


OT Pairs(圖1)-速報App

OT Pairs is the first mobile app that gives users access to one of the most profitable and time tested hedge fund trading strategies. Pairs trading involves the simultaneous buying and selling of two closely correlated stocks which have temporarily been mispriced. Once a signal is triggered, the app will even display the price ratio and the exact number of shares to buy and sell.

The app’s rich functionality is further enhanced with the addition of several in-app purchases (for the full list check Top In-App Purchases on the left).


* Pairs Chart

* Spread Indicator

* Industry groups pairs scanner

* Power Ranks

* Correlation coefficient

* Trading signals and scanners

* Price Ratio and Trading instructions

* Pairs selection and tracking tool

* User Guide and Reference List

* Vix market timing module

* Trend Bars™ (in-app purchase)

* OT Trend module available via in-app purchase

* Extensive User Guide

支援平台:iPhone, iPad